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Paula Almansa
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Proyectos Solidarios
Este espacio
Reflexiones personales
Reflexiones profesionales y académicas
Lo que me gusta hacer
Proyectos profesionales
Proyectos académicos
Proyectos Solidarios
Turkana – New Year 08-09
Kibera, Nairobi - From the plane
Flying to Turkana - Mr Pilot? Ooops, where is the map? Where are we?
Turkana Lake - Just breathtaking!
Turkana village and traditional houses
Boats from MCSPA's fishermen project (like microfinance)
Turkana homes
The plane... with all of us, the ones who arrive and the ones who leave
Anita, an amazing girl with an amazing story
Quick stop at a newly built church in Lokitonyala
How many of us can fit in the pick up? Many... way too many!
Welcome to Turkana. Just feel like one more... hot and dirty... but happy!
Dispensary at Nariokotome - always saving lives
Mobile clinic - bringing health and hope to remote areas and sick people
Water dam - the difference between surviving or not
Sitting with Robert and the tribesmen in the shade
Turkana man, sitting in the shade. Probably half as old as he seems
Turkana children having fun with the camera... Hey, I can see myself in the mzungu's black box!
Another spectacular sunset at Nariokotome. Thanks Eliud and Robert for sharing such a special moment with me
The Goat Case I: recovering the stolen goats... who do not want to come back with us!
The Goat Case III: here we go... if we were not crammed before why not share the non-existing remaining space with 6 stinky goats! Leeeets goooeeeee beeeeeeeeee
Turkana woman walking in the desert. So HOT!
Turkana shepherd - Very sad to see how they are all trading their canes for AK47s?
Marile woman carrying wood - a long way back home
Marile shepherd
Silhouette of marile shepherd
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Ethiopians staring at Sushi, our german shepherd
Running ostriches
Omo river banks
Camping in the middle of Omo National Park (apparently in the middle of the elephants' path!)
Preparing to camp
Buffalo sharing our little pond
The road at Omo National Park, Ethiopia
Why suicide animals always jump as we drive?
Half of the group crossing the Omo
Franklin! Ethiopians asked whether we were brother and sister! Do we resemble at all?
Surma woman, Ethiopia
Surma woman, Ethiopia
Surma woman, Ethiopia
Surma woman, Ethiopia
Surma woman, Ethiopia
Surma woman, Ethiopia
Storytelling in the middle of Omo National Park, Ethiopia
Thermites, I love those chimneys
Taking the soldier along with us
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Making friends in Omorate
Making friends in Omorate
John, from Omorate
Ethiopian girl at Omorate
Ethiopian girl at Omorate
Turkana shepherds
Nooo... you should be fishing or with your cattle!
Turkana woman with fish
Why does aid never get to this corner of the world but AK47s do?
Something is really wrong with this picture!
The world upside down: these guys are FISHERMEN!
A truly amazing and peaceful place
The most inspiring place
Young Turkana fisherman
Todenyang mountains from Lake Turkana . unforgettable
Lake Turkana at sunset in Todenyang
Going for a swim in Lake Turkana
Walking in the lake trying to take pictures...
On the road - slightly crowded? No, this is Turkana, there is still plenty of room!
Turkana man in Lokichoggio
Lokichoggio - children collecting plastic
Lokichoggio - Turkana boy collecting plastic bottles
Walking in the lake trying to take pictures…
Lokichoggio – Turkana boy collecting plastic bottles
Lokichoggio – children collecting plastic
Turkana man in Lokichoggio
On the road – slightly crowded? No, this is Turkana, there is still plenty of room!
Going for a swim in Lake Turkana
Lake Turkana at sunset in Todenyang
Todenyang mountains from Lake Turkana . unforgettable
Young Turkana fisherman
The most inspiring place
A truly amazing and peaceful place
The world upside down: these guys are FISHERMEN!
Something is really wrong with this picture!
Why does aid never get to this corner of the world but AK47s do?
Turkana woman with fish
Everybody at the border has one, so I need to have one…
Nooo… you should be fishing or with your cattle!
Turkana shepherds
Ethiopian girl at Omorate
Ethiopian girl at Omorate
John, from Omorate
Making friends in Omorate
Making friends in Omorate
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Taking the soldier along with us
The riffle and the food…
Thermites, I love those chimneys
Storytelling in the middle of Omo National Park, Ethiopia
Surma woman, Ethiopia
Surma children, Ethiopia
Surma woman, Ethiopia
Surma woman, Ethiopia
Surma woman, Ethiopia
Surma woman, Ethiopia
Surma woman, Ethiopia
Surma woman, Ethiopia
Surma woman, Ethiopia
Franklin! Ethiopians asked whether we were brother and sister! Do we resemble at all?
Half of the group crossing the Omo
Why suicide animals always jump as we drive?
The road at Omo National Park, Ethiopia
Preparing to camp
Camping in the middle of Omo National Park (apparently in the middle of the elephants’ path!)
Buffalo sharing our little pond
Omo river banks
Running ostriches
Ethiopians staring at Sushi, our german shepherd
Kibish, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Omorate, Ethiopia
Silhouette of marile shepherd
Marile shepherd
Marile woman carrying wood – a long way back home
One day you get an AK47 «like everybody else», then you feel very powerful so, one random day, you just use it on your neighbour tribe
Turkana women walking back home at sunset carrying wood
Turkana shepherd – Very sad to see how they are all trading their canes for AK47s?
Turkana woman walking in the desert. So HOT!
The Goat Case III: here we go… if we were not crammed before why not share the non-existing remaining space with 6 stinky goats! Leeeets goooeeeee beeeeeeeeee
The Goat Case II: «Get in the car!» One, two, three… six goats!
The Goat Case I: recovering the stolen goats… who do not want to come back with us!
Another spectacular sunset at Nariokotome. Thanks Elliott and Robert for sharing such a special moment with me
Turkana children having fun with the camera… Hey, I can see myself in the mzungu’s black box!
Turkana man, sitting in the shade. Probably half as old as he seems
Sitting with Roberto and the tribesmen in the shade
Water dam – the difference between surviving or not
Mobile clinic – bringing health and hope to remote areas and sick people
Dispensary at Nariokotome – always saving lives
Welcome to Turkana. Just feel like one more… hot and dirty… but happy!
How many of us can fit in the pick up? Many… way too many!
Quick stop at a newly built church
Anita, an amazing girl with an amazing story
The plane… with all of us, the ones who arrive and the ones who leave
Turkana homes
Boats from MCSPA’s fishermen project (like microfinance)
Turkana village and traditional houses
Turkana Lake – Just breathtaking!
Flying to Turkana – Mr Pilot? Ooops, where is the map? Where are we?
Kibera, Nairobi – From the plane
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